I liked using the QD Nurses flashcards because of the way the material was presented helped me. Small but important information. I used ATI in school. I did that first. I green lighted. Then I did Hurst. I practiced 6000 questions since Christmas for NCLEX. Then two weeks before my test I used your cards to keep my content fresh, and I did all the questions in the lacharity prioritization, delegation and assignment in the online part. But honestly now that I did it I think I would have been fine with ati and your cards.

Anita B.
New Graduate, New Nurse
I graduated May 12 from San Antonio College and took NCLEX on June 20th. I used the QD Nurses note cards information provided regarding the specific topic. I would over look more in detail the topic as well so I knew I had the material down (...) The QD Nurses flashcards are short and sweet. When there's an overload of information it turns me away. When there's less information, it's less overwhelming.

Kristen E.
New RN
I forgot to tell you I FINALLY passed my NCLEX! I really have to THANK YOU for recommending the materials that you did, your study method and study schedule! Thank you so much - you're an angel!

Lance M.
New RN
I passed in 75 questions and the flashcards helped me quickly review content and memorize key content that people easily forget! Thank you!

Julia Z.
New Graduate, Valedictorian, New Nurse
Information looks great! Simple way to study. I like that!

Fatmir P.
New Graduate, New Nurse
75 questions! I'd like to think I passed the exam! My very 1st question was a SATA 🙁 but cannot thank you enough! Really and truly, it (QD Nurses flashcards) helped me so much.

Danielle P.
Nursing Graduate, New RN