Welcome to nursing school!
Before you jump into clinicals, you probably have to take chemistry and biology. Do not fret on the process of mitosis and cytokinesis. Hank provides an excellent presentation that make it easy to break down. Rewind, pause, and get off to a great start to your semester.
Table of Contents
- Mitosis 0:24
- Interphase 3:27
- Chromatin 3:37
- Centrosomes 3:52
- Prophase 4:14
- Chromosomes 4:18
- Chromatid 4:31
- Microtubules 5:07
- Metaphase 5:22
- Motor Proteins 5:36
- Biolography 6:13
- Anaphase 9:00
- Telophase 9:15
- Cleavage 9:25
- Cytokinesis 9:36