Caroline Porter, RN received a letter from a fellow nurse who is struggling with her first year of nursing. Being a graduate nurse is extremely challenging. The lives of patients are in our hands. Caroline provides a great video for the graduates on how to overcome any mistake.
“I worked so hard to become a nurse and now I’m questioning everything.”
“Did I mess up? Did I hurt anyone?”
“I try to stay positive, but sometimes I think I’m not cut out for this.”
Does this sound familiar? It’s extremely rare for a nurse to NOT feel this way. This is an extremely common feeling, especially when you’re overwhelmed and constantly have to depend on a coworker for answers and help.
It’s important to accept that this is going to be hard. You can’t master anything right away. It doesn’t matter what floor you’re on. It will be hard.
Caroline speaks about her experiences, such as giving the wrong medication to the wrong patient. She also speaks out about how to avoid making such errors and overcoming these mistakes.
H/T: EmpoweRN