4. Tests
- CSF Analysis: This helps diagnose conditions that affect the brain and the spinal cord. The cerebrospinal fluid is drawn out from your back using a special needle. The patient may be asked to stay lying on the bed for about two hours to prevent headaches.
- CSF Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Index: This test helps with the diagnosis of MS. Your doctor will take a sample of your spinal fluid. This fluid looks clear. You may encounter headaches that would last for hours or a week.
- CSF Oligoclonal Banding: This test is used to look for inflammation-related proteins that may be found in the cerebrospinal fluid. Lumbar puncture is one of the common ways to take a sample for this test.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
5. Diagnosis
As of the moment, there are no known ways to diagnose MS. Yet, doctors organize a strategy to identify MS at an early stage. These strategies are:
- Careful medical history
- Neurologic exam
- Tests: spinal fluid and blood test
6. Treatment
There is no known treatment for multiple sclerosis but there are alternative ways to lessen the signs and symptoms of MS. The American Academy of Neurology had made a summary of the evidence-based guideline. This is CAM: Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Multiple Sclerosis. Please note that the FDA had only approved some of these medicines:
- Magnetic Therapy
- Reflexology
- Ginkgo Biloba (GB)
- Bee Venom, low-fat diet, and Cari Loder regimen
- Medical Marijuana (Cannabis)
- OCE and Synthetic THC: THC (chemical compounds tetrahydrocannabinol) otherwise called cannabinoids. They came from the cannabis plant.
- Oromucosal Cannabinoid Spray (Nabiximols)
- Smoked Cannabis
7. Nursing Interventions
- Provide bed rest during exacerbation.
- Inform the patient about the importance and benefits of safety measures.
- Check the patient’s heating pad before applying.
- Educate the patient to use assistive devices to aid with their loss of motor abilities.
- Give an eye patch for diplopia.
- Monitor and observe patients for possible complications from other conditions.
- Help the patient to start a regular exercise and rest program and educate the patient to balance moderate activity with rest periods.
- Assess the need for and provide assistive devices.
- Start physical and speech therapy.
- Educate the patient to avoid fatigue, stress, infection, overheating, and chilling.
- Educate the patient to increase fluid intake and eat a balanced diet, including low-fat, high-fiber foods and foods high in potassium.
- Train the patient in the self-administration of prescribed medications.
- Provide information about the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
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