GTPAL Maternity Quick Facts for the NCLEX
Maternity Nursing 101 includes GTPAL. It is used on every single pregnant patient to assess the outcomes. As a nursing student or a nursing graduate

Developmental Milestones of an Infant
The five categories of ages include one month, two to three months, four to five months, six to nine months, and ten to twelve months.

48 Memes to Simplify Your Neonatal Maternity Exam
Maternity is by far one of the hardest topics in nursing. It takes a lot of review to really understand the terms that belong to

Maternity Visual Step by Step on Leopold’s Maneuvers
Sometimes you just want to skip the explanations in the textbook because it may be hard to visualize each step. ECU provides an obstetrical abdominal

The Only Newborn Assessment Video You Need
Nina Gold, MD, from Boston Children’s Hospital’s Department of Medicine, covers the key aspects of the newborn physical exam, and how to distinguish between normal and

Getting Straight to the Point on APGAR Score in Under 2 Minutes
Picmonic Video does a great job providing a video on APGAR Score in under two minutes. After watching the APGAR Score video, I don’t think

The Seven Cardinal Movements of Birth in 5 Minutes
The Key Stages of Labour: Engagement Descent Flexion Internal rotation Extension External rotation Expulsion Below is a video from Geeky Medics demonstrating the mechanism of

Stages of Labor
Join Michael Linares, RN as he breaks down the stages of labor. Stage 1: Effacement and dilation of cervix – longest stage Stage 1: Latent

New to Infant Reflexes? Here’s What You Need to Know
Here is what you need to know about the physical assessment for infant primitive reflexes. ROOTING REFLEX Expected age for rooting reflex is birth

Understand GTPAL for Pregnancy Outcome
How well do you understand GTPAL? G – Gravidity Gravidity is the number of pregnancies. Don’t forget to count the current pregnancy! This is