Cephalosporins and HIV / AIDS Drugs Made Insanely Easy
Shan Nanji skips the fancy talk and everything in my textbook make sense with his presentation on HIV/AIDS Drugs. This microbiology pharmacology lecture is

A Silly Way to Remember Herbs vs Anticoagulants
EXTREME CAUTION: This video of Herbs vs Anticoagulants the Easy Way to Remember is EXTREMELY silly, but it works! Don’t worry! Joe B goes

Anticoagulants: What You Need to Know for Lab Reports and Exams
Anticoagulants prevent the coagulation or clotting of blood. These drugs are given to prevent your blood from clotting by increasing the time it takes

Nursing Review: The 4 Types of Leukemia Nurses Should Know
There are several types of leukemia – they include acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), and chronic myelogenous

What You Don’t Know About Plavix
Clopidrogrel, more commonly known as Plavix, is an antiplatelet that suppresses platelet aggregation in arterial circulation. In simpler terms, Plavix prevents blood clots after