NCLEX Review: Understand Respiratory Acidosis Better In Just 5 Minutes
This article will help you better understand the sequence of breathing normally, the pathophysiology of respiratory acidosis, the causes of respiratory acidosis, the signs

Tic Tac Toe Method: Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis
Arterial blood gas analysis is a laboratory test to know the patient’s acid-base balance. This laboratory test is also used to determine the extent

Nursing Review: 6 Most Common Reasons Why Osteoporosis Develops
Our bones play a crucial role in our body, they protect and support our internal organs and give the body shape. When bones do

NCLEX Review: Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis—3 Main Differences
In this NCLEX study guide, you will learn about the difference between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis It is a degenerative condition of the

Nursing Review: The 6 Types of Bone Fracture Nurses Should Know
Following a fall or an accident, your doctor would probably require you to undergo an X-ray or a bone scan to rule out a

Body Cavities and Membranes
By studying the human body’s anatomy and physiology, we will learn that it is divided into many cavities separated by membranes, that they not

Nursing Review: The 4 Major Planes and Sections of the Body
Studying the body planes and sections anatomically teaches us that our body is divided into geometric planes. It helps nurses understand the different ways

The Human Body’s Anatomical Position
The human body’s standard anatomical position is described as follows: the body is in an erect position, facing towards the observer, directed forward, and

Heparin vs. Warfarin: NCLEX Study Guide
What are Heparin and Warfarin? Both of these drugs are blood thinners used for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis or blood clots. A

The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems: NCLEX Study Guide
Our nervous system mainly consists of the peripheral and central nervous systems. It is considered one of the most complex systems in our body.