How COVID-19 Affects Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Breastfeeding
This article is intended to shed light on how COVID-19 (Coronavirus) affects pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The purpose of this article is to raise

Study Guide: Placenta Previa Vs. Abruptio Placentae
Abruptio placentae and placenta previa are two of the most common maternity complications involving the placenta. To be able to take proper care of

GTPAL Maternity Quick Facts for the NCLEX
Maternity Nursing 101 includes GTPAL. It is used on every single pregnant patient to assess the outcomes. As a nursing student or a nursing

Maternity Visual Step by Step on Leopold’s Maneuvers
Sometimes you just want to skip the explanations in the textbook because it may be hard to visualize each step. ECU provides an obstetrical

Understand GTPAL for Pregnancy Outcome
How well do you understand GTPAL? G – Gravidity Gravidity is the number of pregnancies. Don’t forget to count the current pregnancy! This

Naegele’s Rule – Estimating Date for Delivery
Naegele’s rule is under the antepartum chapter of Maternity. Naegele’s rule is pretty simple to calculate, but very easy to make a minor error.